Project Results - PP9

Work Package - 3, Technical Deliverables

PP9 ASDE-Ecoregions is fully engaged with WP-3 and it’s comprises activities „Development of common resources for territorial planning analysis and strategy“.

The general objective is to develop a comprehensive harmonized reference spatial database on land cover for the cross-border area belonging to Romania, as part of the common information resources needed for the elaboration of the common strategy for sustainable territorial development and impact monitoring for the entire project area. The resulted dataset will be integrated with the identical datasets built-up for the Bulgarian part of the cross-border area.

The harmonized spatial database on land cover should serve as reference basis for the various sector thematic layers that could be part of the common information resources established for the cross-border area. Through its integration with the existing spatial database available in the project region it will constitute the backbone of the spatial data infrastructure (SDI) needed for territorial planning. The produced land cover information will be integrated later into a specific Web - GIS portal to allow easy access to the data both for state (local, national administration) and public structures.

Access to the Web-GIS architecture „SmartCover“, could be found at:

PP9-[WP3] - SmartCover - User Manual, version 1.0

The WP3 activities are integral part of those from WP1, WP2 and WP4, as outlined within last sections “Important notice”.

    Important notice: In respect to the obvious impossibility of the state administrations, in order to provide the necessary basis for setting-up „SmartCover“ architecture, that would provide access to the cross-border harmonized spatial data (activity on WP3), PP9 - ASDE-Ecoregions, took in own hands the creation of the geo-portal - based on its own resources, together with an hardware support provided from the European Commission - DG JRC-IPSC, on the basis of agreement between the ASDE and DG JRC.


  1. Overview Existing Data
  2. Hardware and Software
  3. Methodology Reference LC Layer
  4. Database Structure
  5. Marketing
  6. Training


Expected actions are to review, assessment and selection of the existing data, systems, methods, information services and workflows, relevant for developing of a harmonized SDI.



Bulgaria and Romania are developing the first in the european union trans-border reference land cover database. See full issue...

Access related document as follows:
Date Type Title
July / 2012 PP9-[WP3] - FIRST-EU-database-LC-ISO19144-lANDSCAPE


Proposal for enlargement of the Common Strategy - BG-RO for the Danube region Proposal for enlargement of the Common Strategy – BG-RO for the Danube region, related to the operational capacity and value added sevices, in support of the Danube Strategy and other EU flagship programs. See full issue...

Access related document as follows:
Date Type Title



Expected actions are the technical equipment for the end users that needs to be delivered.
Access related Technical deliverables as follows:

Date Type Title
September / 2012 PP9-[WP3] - Terms-Of-Reference for Earth Observation ATCOR (atmospheric corrections) software
September / 2012 PP9-[WP3] - Terms-Of-Reference for Earth Observation Satellite Imagery
September / 2012 PP9-[WP3] - Terms-Of-Reference for GIS Software
September / 2012 PP9-[WP3] - Terms-Of-Reference for Hardware Components and Infrastructure


Expected actions are development of specific methodology for the elaboration of common reference database.
Access related Technical deliverables as follows:

Date Type Title
October / 2013 PP9-[WP3] - First Validation of The Land Cover Data
October / 2013 PP9-[WP3] - Software Architecture Document
October / 2013 PP9-[WP3] - Set of classes for the CBC - Reference Land Cover Layer in Bulgaria
October / 2013 PP9-[WP3] - Table and Fishes of The Main Land Cover Classses for Urbanised Areas, Based on LCCS
October / 2013 PP9-[WP3] - Development of Common Resources for a Territorial Planning Analysis and Strategy
October / 2013 PP9-[WP3] - Development of Common Resources for Territorial Planning Analysis and Strategy - General Methodology
January / 2014 PP9-[WP3] - Second validation of the land-cover data
September / 2014 PP9-[WP3] - Common Regional Resources for a territorial management, analysis, risk prevention and strategy planning
Other related documents
July / 2012 PP9-[WP2] - First approach to develop the methodology for sustainable territorial management, as INTEGRATED ELEMENT of the Cross-Border joint strategy
May / 2014 PP9-[WP3] - Cooperation with the JRC and initiative Danube reference data infrastructure and services (DRDSI)
May / 2014 PP9-[WP3] - Using data from COPERNICUS and LPIS for developing Cross-Border databases of land cover for the countries of the Danube River Basin


Expected actions are development of technical specifications for harmonizing data and services up to level 3 of interoperability (syntactic); Provision of harmonized spatial data and services for the thematic layers within the project, and vice versa, integration of thematic databases in the harmonized database, through the development and maintenance of WEB-GIS portal.
Setup and development of systems and information services allowing the integration of the new, harmonized spatial databases and services with the existing information systems at county/district level.
Access related Technical deliverables as follows:

Date Type Title
January / 2014 PP9-[WP3] - Architecture Features (Software Architecture Document)
January / 2014 PP9-[WP3] - SmartCover - User Guide, version 1.0
January / 2014 PP9-[WP3] - Image Metadata Processing Report - COPERNICUS CORE 01
January / 2014 PP9-[WP3] - SmartCover - Data Dictionary, version 1.0
January / 2014 PP9-[WP3] - Matrix of correlation between national nomenclatures and those INSPIRE
August , 2014 PP9-[WP3] - "SmartCover" Database Metadata
Other related documents
December / 2013 PP9-[WP3] - Cooperation with the JRC and initiative Danube reference data infrastructure and services (DRDSI)


Expected actions are that in order to achieve this goal, a hardware package is going to be purchased by each project partner (PP) and delivered to the local administration at level each County/District, together with appropriate software, including a GIS software translated in Bulgarian, Romanian and English, allowing access, viewing, editing and analysis of spatial data. The coordinated access to data will be ensured by developing a common data centre shared by the Ministries for territorial development both in Bulgaria and Romania.
Access related Technical deliverables as follows:

Date Type Title
January / 2014 PP9-[WP3] - MARS Unit, JRC, Confirmation: Best Poster in Vilnuis, 2013
January / 2014 PP9-[WP3] - Presentation of the Common Territorial Data Base, Craiova, 2014
January / 2014 PP9-[WP3] - THE DANUBE REGIONAL CENTERS NETWORKS – Potential Synergies with DRDSI
January / 2014 PP9-[WP3] - Leaflet, SPATIAL-CBC, One Fold
January / 2014 PP9-[WP3] - Leaflet, SPATIAL-CBC, Two Fold
January / 2014 PP9-[WP3] - Poster, SPATIAL-CBC, 17.01.2014
April / 2014 PP9-[WP3] - Presentation of General territorial database and methodology for INSPIRE harmonization, of a summit meeting at the Institute for Environment and Sustainability of DG JRC in Italy on 04.16.2014


Expected actions are that seminars (at county level), data requirement forms (specific organizations) and interviews (ministry level) are be organized for collecting information about needed data and information products required in territorial development activities.

  • October, 2013

    Training of experts from regional administrations and project partners, within WP3 based on General strategy for sustainable territorial development of the cross-border area Romania-Bulgaria, Programme CBC Romania-Bulgaria 2007-2013
    Access related Technical deliverables as follows:
    Date Type Title
    October / 2013 PP9-[WP3] - PROGRAMME of Training Workshop, WP3, Final
    October / 2013 PP9-[WP3] - CERTIFICATES from Training Workshop, WP3

    Please, access full issue for the Training held in Sofia, in ASDE-Ecoregions:  На Български / In Bulgarian:
    Sofia – 21st October 2013 – Training of experts from regional administrations and project partners